1. There is a wide range of personal and varied motivations for them to take part in the NGO, having as a binding site the belief that the training and the professional experience can help to the less privileged regions of the world.
2. They respect any kind of religious, ideological and political belief, but they do not submit to any of these, so the NGO FIREFIGHTERS WITHOUT BORDERS SPAIN declares itself APOLITICAL and ACONFESSIONAL.
3. This organization accepts the principle of FRATERNITY and COLLABORATION among all the people of the world, and it bases its help on objective criteria without preferences of any kind. This help can be developed to regional, national and international scale.
4. The help will be requested and completely accepted by the local population who will take part actively, in every moment, in the project development. The members of the NGO FIREFIGHTERS WITHOUT BORDERS SPAIN will not interfere in the local businesses of the region.
5. They will respect and appreciate the culture, the life style, the environment and the technology of the regions which are recipients of the help, adapting this one to the specific necessities of the place and adding their skills to the work they carry out. They promise to act as consciousness-raising elements of the situation of these regions in our society.
6. FWB Spain forms an autonomous association. It does not depend on any kind of pressure group, state, government, political or religious association, and any company or trade union, as well, both national and international scale.
7. FWB Spain will never render services to causes with military purposes or activities which infringe the environment or people’s dignity.
8. In an anonymous and volunteering way, the members of the NGO do not seek a prominent role with their actions and they do not pretend to get economical or professional benefits from this work. They control all risks derived from the projects they develop in other countries, and once they accept the mission, they commit themselves to carry it out from the beginning until the end. NGO funds will be exclusively used for its purposes.
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